Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My Blogging Experience
I would say that blogging is something that is very new to me. Without my Exploring Technology class I probably would never have blogged. I probably wouldn't have even heard about blogger. I'm not sure if I will continue blogging. I might but I might not because without internet at home it will be hard to make a blog, so I guess I will have to wait and see. I will definately say that I had fun making a blogger, using it, and linking things to it. It was definately a great experience for me.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Let's Change the Student Handbook
The rule that I would like to change in the handbook is the mandatory exams rule. I want everyone to have to take exams, but I think that there should be exceptions. Our handbook states that anyone that misses three or less days will get an independent study day the day before the exams. This is unbeneficial because on that day teachers are just reviewing for the test so its to our benefit to be there. I believe that they should allow people who have missed three or less days and are on the honor roll to be able to exempt from their elective classes and be able to drop a low grade in our mandatory classes. This will help in lowering the rate of everyone skipping all the days till just before they fail. It will also help in trying to improve on how hard people work and how their grades will improve because students will put effort into school so that they can excempt from classes.
The rule that I would add to the handbook would be that there be an elective study period if not mandatory. There would have to be a teacher in that room and computers available for the students to use. The teacher would act as a tutor to those who are struggling in their work. This would also allow students to get caught up in homework. It should be placed in the middle of the day. Students would find this hour very useful because they could get caught up on homework or get ahead so that they know what the teacher is talking about in class rather than trying to catch up on the homework. Also I think we would find that students would be more relaxed in classes and grades would improve because they have that time to themselves to learn and would have help there if they needed it.
The rule that I would add to the handbook would be that there be an elective study period if not mandatory. There would have to be a teacher in that room and computers available for the students to use. The teacher would act as a tutor to those who are struggling in their work. This would also allow students to get caught up in homework. It should be placed in the middle of the day. Students would find this hour very useful because they could get caught up on homework or get ahead so that they know what the teacher is talking about in class rather than trying to catch up on the homework. Also I think we would find that students would be more relaxed in classes and grades would improve because they have that time to themselves to learn and would have help there if they needed it.
Monday, May 14, 2012
How I feel about the seniors leaving in a week.
I am going to miss some of the seniors next week. I am good friends with a lot of them. I am glad that they are moving on to bigger and better things though. Also this means in a week I will soon be a senior and that feeling is a very scary feeling. I know that soon I will need to start looking and preparing for college. I need to start looking for scholarships. What is the scariest is knowing that in a year it will be me leaving and being done with school. I will be going on to college to persue my career and I will be out in the real world. It is definately going to be different being a senior because every moment next year that I have in school will be my last. There will be no more high school sports and activities. I will have to move on into something different and hopefully better.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I do not think prom is over-rated, some people do, but I find prom as a night where we can get all dressed up and go dancing. It's a night where you can get away from the house, parents, and siblings and just have some fun. For me, prom went very well. I had a lot of fun from the beginning at dinner all the way to when we were leaving from after prom. I think the best part was getting to go to after prom afterwards. Gabrielle, Chad, and I got to after prom early so we was able to be the only ones to try out the lazer tag first. Also we got to go do the minute to win it activity before everyone got there. I got to play 3 on 3 basketball and dodgeball, which was very cool. In the end I won some prizes first for the minute to win it and then when our names were drawn off. Also when I went to dinner before prom I got my bill payed for. It was just Catherine and I at Brownies eating, she was in her graduation dress and I was in my prom dress, we asked for a box for the rest of our pizza and the waitress came back and told us someone else picked up the bill.
Monday, April 30, 2012
What's on my mind today?
I have a lot on my mind today. I have a softball game today. I am stressed out about my english project. I have a lot of homework to do because I have to complete my english project and catch up in Exploring Tech. Also to add onto it I have prom this weekend and my older sister is graduating too, so we have to start preparing for all of it. It is going to be a very busy week and hopefully it will go by smoothly.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Facebook ..... What is all the fuss?
I do have a facebook but I don't use it very often. I may use it once a week if I am lucky. For the most part I will go months without being on it. I mostly use my facebook to stay in touch with relatives and to see what other people are up to. So many people have to be on facebook because they get addicted to it. They start making status's and soon enough they start putting everything they are doing on facebook. They wan't other's to know what they are doing and they want to feel important. I think that older teenagers and adults should be the only one's using facebook.
Three positive aspects of Facebook
1. You can stay in touch with friends that have moved away.
2. You can talk to your relatives that you haven't seen in a while and figure out what they are up to.
3. You can share pictures with your friends of you and them in sports or hanging out together.
Three negative aspects of Facebook
1. People become very addicted to facebook.
2. People put to much information on the internet.
3. People worry more about making status's and seeing what others are doing, then paying attention to the things they are doing at the time.
Yes people can have hundered's of friends on facebook. You can add whoever you want to your facebook. I wouldn't consider all of them your friends though. I would say they are people you may talk to once in a while or they may just be people that you know but have never talked to.
Three positive aspects of Facebook
1. You can stay in touch with friends that have moved away.
2. You can talk to your relatives that you haven't seen in a while and figure out what they are up to.
3. You can share pictures with your friends of you and them in sports or hanging out together.
Three negative aspects of Facebook
1. People become very addicted to facebook.
2. People put to much information on the internet.
3. People worry more about making status's and seeing what others are doing, then paying attention to the things they are doing at the time.
Yes people can have hundered's of friends on facebook. You can add whoever you want to your facebook. I wouldn't consider all of them your friends though. I would say they are people you may talk to once in a while or they may just be people that you know but have never talked to.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Heart Collage
This is a collage of me and some of the things in my life. It is in a heart shape because it is some of the things I care about. It has my dogs, Gabrielle, Catherine, and I in the pictures.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Gabrielle and Lucky
Gabrielle and her dog Lucky. I believe this is one of my greatest pictures. Both the dog and her are looking at the camera and I was able to get her smiling. Also they are the main focus in the picture and the background is not distracting.
Monday, April 16, 2012
There is nothing better than ...
There is nothing better than having a day where it is sunny and warm out. You don't have to do anything, and you can just sit outside relax and enjoy the day. You don't have to stress about anything. You have no deadlines and no place to go. I would love to have a day like this sometime soon. It seems like every week I have more to do than what time I have to do it. I'm always bussy and I would like a day where I can just relax and enjoy life.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Spring Break
I can't remember what I did on the first Saturday and Sunday that we had off. On Monday I had track practice and then shortly after that I packed some clothes and headed to Concordia to stay with Catherine. I went up, watched her play softball, and then we all went back to her dorm. We went to eat later that night. The next day I got up, went to her softball game against Siena Heights, and afterward I headed home. On Wednesday I had track practice and then did some things around the house. On Thursday, I went to track practice and then later that day I made 210 oreo balls and 210 chocolate pretzels. On Friday I got up, got in the car, and headed to toledo. I found my prom dress, and we went out to eat at Olive Garden. We spent eight hours in toledo shopping. On Saturday, I went to a wild game dinner with my family at the Simpkin's family's house. On Sunday I had an easter egg hunt in the morning. Later that afternoon Catherine, Gabrielle, Chad, and I met my dad at the store and went fishing in Tecumseh.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Make up your own Holiday Day
The holiday that I would create would be on May 5th of every year. This is a day where we would just celebrate with our family and the one's we love. On this day no one would have to go to work, everyone could just stay at home relax and enjoy the day. The special event that will take place is everyone will have a picnic outside and cooking on the grill. The type of symbol that would be associated with this holiday would be people sitting in chairs or on a couch.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Famous person I would want to meet.
A famous person I would like to meet is Blake Griffin. He is a great basketball player and it would be cool to get to meet him. I always wonder if he always knew that one day he would be in the NBA. If that was his goal when he was little. Also how it felt when he achieved all those awards and was the number one pick for the Clippers.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Reading Month
March is reading month and my favorite childhood book was any of the Gary Paulsen books. These book's are my favorite because they are full of adventure. I did not have someone read to me on a regular basis when I was little. When I was little I had more time to read books and these are the ones you would always find on my desk for when I had spare time to read.

Most teenager's today don't like to read because its time consuming. They want to do other things than read books. Most want to play on the computer or some sort of electronic devise. I am one of those teenager's that do not like to read. I don't like to read because I find it very time consuming. I don't have time to sit down and read a book, I am always busy doing chores around the house, working, or practicing for the sports I play. I also find reading a book puts me to sleep, I end up falling asleep a few pages into the book. It would take a lot to get teenagers interested in reading again. You would have to take away all forms of technology and you would have to not let them go outside. That might not even be enough because they may just sit around or sleep. You would probably have to force them into reading.

Most teenager's today don't like to read because its time consuming. They want to do other things than read books. Most want to play on the computer or some sort of electronic devise. I am one of those teenager's that do not like to read. I don't like to read because I find it very time consuming. I don't have time to sit down and read a book, I am always busy doing chores around the house, working, or practicing for the sports I play. I also find reading a book puts me to sleep, I end up falling asleep a few pages into the book. It would take a lot to get teenagers interested in reading again. You would have to take away all forms of technology and you would have to not let them go outside. That might not even be enough because they may just sit around or sleep. You would probably have to force them into reading.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Pet Peeve
I have a lot of pet peeves. One of my pet peeves is people moving around, talking, and just plain out making noise when it is suppost to be quiet or when I would like it quiet. Another one of my pet peeves is when someone is chomping gum. Another is when people eat and are noisy about it. My reaction when this happens is I get really ticked off. I have to hold back from screaming at them. It just drives me crazy.
Monday, February 27, 2012
What I look for in friends is someone who is there for me. Someone who I can go up and have a conversation with. Someone who I can trust. Anyone can have as many friends as they want. They don't all have to be your best friend. You can have friends that you talk to every once in a while. They are still your friends just not as close to you as other friends are. A really best friend is made up of someone who you can absolutely trust, you can tell them anything and everything. Someone who knows everything about you because they are always in your life and care about you. They are always looking out for you and help you make choices that benefit you. They are the ones that come to you when you need them the most, and don't wonder whats in it for them, they just show up. You can have hundreds of friends on facebook, because facebook is all about people you know. They atomatically become your friend if you just know them and rarely talk to them, they are still your facebook friend because you added them to your friends list. They can really be friends because you can talk to them whenever you want and you know they are there even if you don't. They aren't close friends but they are still and can still be your friend.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Homecoming has come and gone
My week for homecoming was fairly busy. I had two basketball games that week to prepare for and play in. Also that week I had to help build our mini float. I didn't mind building the float, I felt that decorating the hallway was a lot more fun then creating a float. That's okay though because it's nice to change it every once in a while. The pep assembly I didn't find it as much fun as it has been in the past few years. I did participate in the pep assembly, I had to pass a medicine ball down the court and then bounce it back with Kyle Keller. Our whole basketball team wished that we would have done a dance for it. Later that night they announced king. Nick Howard won homecoming king and I believed that he was the right one to win it. Also during the week when we were suppost to dress up I only participated in two of them. I forgot about the first day and I didn't have anything for another day. Also the third day I had forgot my hat at home.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's Day event
I do believe the card and candy industry has blown it out of proportion. There are new things created every year for Valentine's day. I don't blame them though because everyone has just gone right along with it and there making money because of it. I do not believe it is important to have this holiday because you should show your love towards someone every day not just on a specific day. It is a fun holiday to have though. It reminds some people to show there love for someone on that day and to brighten someone's day up. It is not a true holiday, it is a Hallmark holiday. It you don't have someone special in your life to give a Valentine to then its no big deal because it is not a true holiday. My mom and dad do not count as being my Valentine.
Monday, February 6, 2012
My weekend Febuary 4 & 5, 2012
I had a very boring weekend. On saturday I got up and did chores around the house. Later on that day I went into town and went shopping with my mom. That night we watched a movie that we had bought. The movie was alright, but not that good. On sunday I played basketball outside during the day and then when my dad got out of work we went and split wood at my grandma's. That night we had dinner at my grandma's and we was able to watch the super bowl for the first time because my grandma has cable tv and we don't. The commercials werent that great this year but there was one I did like. I liked the commercial about the yogurt. Also the Giants won the Super Bowl.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Starting Photography
Right now I have the basic knowledge of photography. I know how to work the camera and take the pictures. My experience with photograpy is okay, I don't take a lot of pictures but I do take some. Most of the pictures I take are sports pictures. I am expecting to learn a lot from this unit. Here is what I believe is a great photograph. It's a sports picture which I mostly take and it's in action.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Exam Experience
I believe I did very well on most of my exams, there are a few that I am not so shure about. I have found out that I have done well in both my math and my english exam. I do think that we should have mandatory exams because it will help everyone in the long run. We will all know how to study and take exams in college. It also teaches us on how to deal with stress and pressure on doing well , because we had to deal with it from the exams. I do believe taking high school exams is good practice for college, however taking all of them I'm not so shure about. In college a full time student will have to take maybe five exams which are spaced out and normally only one or two a day. Also in college you only have five classes a week instead of seven classes five days a week. This makes college easier to take exams where as for high school so many teachers have covered so much stuff, its hard to remember what each teacher taught. The exams I took were comprehensive and I'm glad I spent time studying for them. I spent a lot of time studying I spent some of my friday night studying. I studied all of sunday, and looked it over monday. I came to school tuesday and studied for the exams. After that I took each day at a time wednesday studying for my 3, 5, and 7 exams and then thursday for my 2, 4, and 6 exam.
Monday, January 9, 2012
My weekend
This weekend we ripped up my dad's floor at the store. My Grandpa and I had already ripped up 5 different layers of flooring. When we ripped up the linoleum we found newspapers under it. We looked at one and the newspaper was dated December 28, 1931. I was shocked at the date because I didn't know the floor was that old. My grandpa and I carefully ripped up the floor and we put together the Toledo Blade, the Detroit Free Press, and a couple of the Daily Telegrams. We kept those and put them off to the side and threw away the rest of the paper we ripped up. Later that night I brought the paper home to show Gabrielle and Chad. Chad started to read the paper and found a relative of his in the paper. So, it ended up being a pritty interesting weekend
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas Break
I had an exciting but relaxing Christmas break. The first day of break we had our shoot out which went very well. From 11 to 12 that night we played Sardines. The next couple of days I stayed around the house and just relaxed. I went shopping for Christmas presents with Gabrielle, for the rest of the family. There was a couple of days where I had basketball practice. We had our Christmas Tournament which went alright, we won against LCS and I was sent to the emergency room that game. I had to go to the E.R. because a girl stabbed me in the eye with her fingernail. It was crazy because I went blind in my right eye for about 10 minutes. The trainer told me it was like a horror movie where it shows the angels crying because I was crying blood, which they think is why I couldn't see.On Thursday we played Madison and lost by 5, but it was a good game cause we was only down by 1 with 2 minutes to go in the game. That night we got a phone call from Catherine and she told us she got her nose broke. We spent the New Year's together counting inventory for my dad and relaxing at home.
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