Monday, April 30, 2012

What's on my mind today?

I have a lot on my mind today. I have a softball game today. I am stressed out about my english project. I have a lot of homework to do because I have to complete my english project and catch up in Exploring Tech. Also to add onto it I have prom this weekend and my older sister is graduating too, so we have to start preparing for all of it. It is going to be a very busy week and hopefully it will go by smoothly.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Facebook ..... What is all the fuss?

I do have a facebook but I don't use it very often. I may use it once a week if I am lucky. For the most part I will go months without being on it. I mostly use my facebook to stay in touch with relatives and to see what other people are up to. So many people have to be on facebook because they get addicted to it. They start making status's and soon enough they start putting everything they are doing on facebook. They wan't other's to know what they are doing and they want to feel important. I think that older teenagers and adults should be the only one's using facebook.

Three positive aspects of Facebook
 1. You can stay in touch with friends that have moved away.
 2. You can talk to your relatives that you haven't seen in a while and figure out what they are up to.
 3. You can share pictures with your friends of you and them in sports or hanging out together.

Three negative aspects of Facebook
 1. People become very addicted to facebook.
 2. People put to much information on the internet.
 3. People worry more about making status's and seeing what others are doing, then paying attention to the things they are doing at the time.

Yes people can have hundered's of friends on facebook. You can add whoever you want to your facebook. I wouldn't consider all of them your friends though. I would say they are people you may talk to once in a while or they may just be people that you know but have never talked to.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Heart Collage

This is a collage of me and some of the things in my life. It is in a heart shape because it is some of the things I care about. It has my dogs, Gabrielle, Catherine, and I in the pictures.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gabrielle and Lucky

100B3702 by E.Herriman
100B3702, a photo by E.Herriman on Flickr.

Gabrielle and her dog Lucky. I believe this is one of my greatest pictures. Both the dog and her are looking at the camera and I was able to get her smiling. Also they are the main focus in the picture and the background is not distracting.

Monday, April 16, 2012

There is nothing better than ...

There is nothing better than having a day where it is sunny and warm out. You don't have to do anything, and you can just sit outside relax and enjoy the day. You don't have to stress about anything. You have no deadlines and no place to go. I would love to have a day like this sometime soon. It seems like every week I have more to do than what time I have to do it. I'm always bussy and I would like a day where I can just relax and enjoy life.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

I can't remember what I did on the first Saturday and Sunday that we had off. On Monday I had track practice and then shortly after that I packed some clothes and headed to Concordia to stay with Catherine. I went up, watched her play softball, and then we all went back to her dorm. We went to eat later that night. The next day I got up, went to her softball game against Siena Heights, and afterward I headed home. On Wednesday I had track practice and then did some things around the house. On Thursday, I went to track practice and then later that day I made 210 oreo balls and 210 chocolate pretzels. On Friday I got up, got in the car, and headed to toledo. I found my prom dress, and we went out to eat at Olive Garden. We spent eight hours in toledo shopping. On Saturday, I went to a wild game dinner with my family at the Simpkin's family's house. On Sunday I had an easter egg hunt in the morning. Later that afternoon Catherine, Gabrielle, Chad, and I met my dad at the store and went fishing in Tecumseh.