Monday, February 27, 2012


What I look for in friends is someone who is there for me. Someone who I can go up and have a conversation with. Someone who I can trust. Anyone can have as many friends as they want. They don't all have to be your best friend. You can have friends that you talk to every once in a while. They are still your friends just not as close to you as other friends are. A really best friend is made up of someone who you can absolutely trust, you can tell them anything and everything. Someone who knows everything about you because they are always in your life and care about you. They are always looking out for you and help you make choices that benefit you. They are the ones that come to you when you need them the most, and don't wonder whats in it for them, they just show up. You can have hundreds of friends on facebook, because facebook is all about people you know. They atomatically become your friend if you just know them and rarely talk to them, they are still your facebook friend because you added them to your friends list. They can really be friends because you can talk to them whenever you want and you know they are there even if you don't. They aren't close friends but they are still and can still be your friend.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Homecoming has come and gone

My week for homecoming was fairly busy. I had two basketball games that week to prepare for and play in. Also that week I had to help build our mini float. I didn't mind building the float, I felt that decorating the hallway was a lot more fun then creating a float. That's okay though because it's nice to change it every once in a while. The pep assembly I didn't find it as much fun as it has been in the past few years. I did participate in the pep assembly, I had to pass a medicine ball down the court and then bounce it back with Kyle Keller. Our whole basketball team wished that we would have done a dance for it. Later that night they announced king. Nick Howard won homecoming king and I believed that he was the right one to win it. Also during the week when we were suppost to dress up I only participated in two of them. I forgot about the first day and I didn't have anything for another day. Also the third day I had forgot my hat at home.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day event

I do believe the card and candy industry has blown it out of proportion. There are new things created every year for Valentine's day. I don't blame them though because everyone has just gone right along with it and there making money because of it. I do not believe it is important to have this holiday because you should show your love towards someone every day not just on a specific day. It is a fun holiday to have though. It reminds some people to show there love for someone on that day and to brighten someone's day up. It  is not a true holiday, it is a Hallmark holiday. It you don't have someone special in your life to give a Valentine to then its no big deal because it is not a true holiday. My mom and dad do not count as being my Valentine.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My weekend Febuary 4 & 5, 2012

I had a very boring weekend. On saturday I got up and did chores around the house. Later on that day I went into town and went shopping with my mom. That night we watched a movie that we had bought. The movie was alright, but not that good. On sunday I played basketball outside during the day and then when my dad got out of work we went and split wood at my grandma's. That night we had dinner at my grandma's and we was able to watch the super bowl for the first time because my grandma has cable tv and we don't. The commercials werent that great this year but there was one I did like. I liked the commercial about the yogurt. Also the Giants won the Super Bowl.