Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Holiday Plans
My Christmas Vacation is full of things to do. I have basketball for most of the vacation. This weekend I'm going with Catherine and our friends Karla and Derek to go watch the chipmunks movie. I have my Grandma's Christmas with the whole Herriman Family on Friday. Saturday and Sunday I will help my mom make Christmas dinner. Along with this I will be making Oreo Balls for Catherine, also which is my favorite cookie. People have summed it up as a small bite of heaven. I have a Christmas tournament at Siena Heights. Then for the New Years I will be helping take inventory at my dads store and then relaxing at home.
Monday, December 12, 2011
What professional athlete or musician would you be?
If I could be any professional athlete I would be Chery Ford. She played for the Detroit Shock my favorite professional women's basketball team. She is a legend of the game. She is 6'3" and can dunk the ball. I met her when I was younger at a 3 on 3 tournament. We won the tournament and was able to talk to her. We were given Detroit Shock tickets to go watch a game. It was one of the greatest days of my life.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Grand Canyon

I would like to go to the Grand Canyon because its an amazing site to see. I have already been there once but we didnt spend much time there. I think it would be great to go there again. It takes your breath away to see how far down it is. This is a national landmark because its one of the wonders of the world and its not man made. Its an extremely long canyon located in Navade.
Monday, November 28, 2011
My Thanksgiving weekend
Saturday started out with Gabrielle, Catherine, my mom, and I going back out shopping. My mom found out it wasn't a good idea because we were all tired of shopping from the day before. During Black Friday we had went shopping for 9 hours and we were not in the mood to do anymore shopping. We were all cranky and just wanted to go home. We ended up going shopping for 3 more hours Saturday which gave us a total of 12 hours of shopping. Later that day we went to basketball practice and then crashed at home. On Sunday we woke up and stayed around the house.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Turkey Day
Thanksgiving is a great holiday for me. I get to see all of my family. Catherine gets to come home from college. We all get to relax, watch tv, go hunting, and eat great food. My whole family from my dads side comes down and we all go and eat at my grandmas house and sit around and talk. We get to hear about how well the cousins did in sports or whats new. It's a fun filled day full of laughter.
Monday, November 14, 2011
November 14, 2011
November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month. I like peanut butter and so does my family. We actually just bought a 5 lb jar of peanut butter from Gordon Foods a couple of weeks ago. I like almost anything that has peanut butter on it or in it. For example I like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I like Reese's peanut butter cups, and I like peanut butter and celery. It is also World Kindness Week this week, so everyone should be extra kind to anyone they see.

Monday, November 7, 2011
November 7, 2011
Today is Monday, November 7, 2011. It is the first day of basketball tryouts and I am excited but nervous at the same time. I can't wait to see who all is going out. It's going to be a fun day.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My favorite Halloween costume
My favorite costume when I was little was a ninja. I had black gloves and a hood that covered my entire face. I thought I was so powerful when I went out trick or treating. I went with my sisters' that year and we went house to house. When we went up to a friends house they stepped outside, both of them wearing identical pumpkin outfits as they handed us candy. It was one of my greatest halloweens ever.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Imagination Station
We went to Imagination Station on Friday, October 21,2011. As soon as we walked in Gabrielle, Kayla, and I went to our right over to the building station. We started first building paper airplanes and tried them out by clipping the nose of the plane to a string and hitting the button to turn the fan on. Gabrielle's plane kept doing circles. We then moved onto where the three of us built this foam building and tried to make it sturdy enough to make it through an earthquake. It did, but it fell over afterwards when Kayla bumped into it. After that we went onto this crane where you could pick up blocks and put them on a conveyor belt. Afterwords it was time to go see the bodies, so we went up the stairs, got our tickets, and went inside. When we came back out there were kids running everywhere. Gabrielle, Kayla, and Justin tried the Boyo where Gabrielle could not hold onto the bar, Kayla made it all the way up, and Justin stayed in the same spot. Afterwords, Gabrielle, Kayla, and I explored the rest of Imagination Station and had a great time. I learned alot and I was glad I got the opportunity to go.
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Best Present I have ever received.
I have two best presents out of all the presents I have received. They are the gift of life and the gift of love. Without life I would not be here today and neither would anyone else. Without love I wouldn't have that great of a life. I have a family that loves me and everything I do. I love life because of my life.
Monday, October 10, 2011
My Weekend October 8 and 9, 2011
Saturday I got up at 4 o'clock in the morning and went to work at the Saline Farmers Market. Later that day my mom, Gabrielle, and I went to the Applumpkin Festival. Sunday, my mom, dad, Gabrielle, and I went to Detroit for AAU basketball. We won the first game and lost the second. After the second game I met a girl that we played against last year in the final four Ligget game.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sand Creek Homecoming Week!!!
For the week we had to dress up in certain outfits. Monday was pajama day, Tuesday was duct tape day, Wednesday was decades day, Thursday was support the cause day, and Friday was green and white. I only participated in dressing up on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Friday was what everyone looked forward to. There was a Juniors vs Seniors powderpuff game for everyone to watch. Then there was an assembly the whole school went to, and finally the game. Also there was a homecoming dance afterwords. Friday turned out great for me and the whole junior class. We dominated the seniors in powderpuff, winning 3 touchdown to 1. We then won the whole tug-o-war, even agaist the staff. That night the boys won the football game 14 to 7. I did not go to the dance. It was an overall great week.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Day
I woke up this morning and went to the National Honor Society meeting. I am almost finished with school. Have a bit of homework. Later I have powder puff practice so we can dominate the seniors in our upcomming game.This is my first blog ever.
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